
International Competition for the Bydgoszcz Award for the Best Animated Film II



Hel (Hellium)

Damian Krakowiak / Poland 2015 / 5’

Young couple leaves their wedding party to do a photosession. They forget about their guests whose habits and sins begin to pop out. The film is a loose interpretation about the concept of salvation, damnation and the 7 deadly sins.

Closed Visit

Jade Evans / UK 2017 / 2’20”

Paul hasn’t seen his son in five months since the divorce, the only form of contact he is allowed is through a weekly video call. "Closed Visit" is a modern day story of technology acting as both a coping mechanism and a source of pain.


Marco Jemolo / Italy 2017 / 7’

In ananonymous police station, F.K. asks the Law for help in the attempt to report the abuses he has been through: his birth, his formation, his forced work. Hewill end up stuck in an endless nightmare.


Frank Ternier / France 2017 / 13’15”

A young black man is killed in an altercation with a vigilant neighboor and the police. An indignant crowd gathered together. The feeling of in justice is high. A group isolates itself. Emotion engenders riot.... In the absence of words, can the body take its revenge?

Pleure! (Cry!)

Laura Nicolas / Belgium 2017 / 4’45”

A grave. A sad grandma. A confused little girl. Three mourners who will tell her everything.

Taxidermy for Beginners

Aria Covamonas / Mexico 2017 / 3’14”

Do not adjust your hearing aid for this silent film in which are shown the adventuresof the White Rabbit stumbling around at the surface, way before that silly, silly child follows him into the underground.

Kötü Kiz (Wicked Girl)

Ayce Kartal / Turkey 2017 / 8’

S., 8 years old, is a little Turkish girl with an overflowing imagination. She is keen on nature and animals. As she is in hospital, she is looking back on happy holidays in her grand parents village, but dark and terrifying memories emergeand, little by little, begin to make sense.

Maasikaõgijad (Strawberry Eaters)

Mattias Mälk / Estonia 2018 / 14’39”

A fantasy film about two strawberry farmers whose field is destroyed by ravenous snails. The couple tries to start a new life in the city but when the woman announces they’re expecting a child, the paranoid man suspects that snails are behindthat as well.

Nachtstück (Nocturne)

Anne Breymann / Germany 2016 / 5’19”

At night the forest creatures gather to gamble, putting their innermost at stake.

The Theory of Sunset

Roman Sokolov / Russia 2017 / 8’48”

Deep at night, one little man is crossing the winter forest. While people are sleeping he has to do very important job - carry on the new day to start in time.


Anna Mantzaris / Szwecja 2017 / 2’19”

Moments of lost self-control.

Travelogue Tel Aviv

Samuel Patthey / Switzerland 2017 / 6’

A young art student from Switzerland arrives for six months in Tel Aviv. Through drawing he will learn to analyse, understand and free himself to this contrasted environnement.