
Ala Kryształ - concert with live-act visuals

For adults
Special events


Ala Kryształ – a trio moving in an area of mutual, subtle spectral and sound interactions.

Visual composition created by Monika Kuczyniecka during live-act is accompanied by music animation by Radosław Drwęcki and Marcin Karnowski, played by acoustic and electronic instruments.

Telling a story, they focus on immediacy and temporariness; they adapt the existing space to the needs of a specific show. Every installation is a separate entirety and is a distinct artistic situation. Monika Kuczyniecka uses sample video and material selected intuitively to individual shows, enlivening the matter striving to achieve a more or less abstract story. Radosław Drwęcki (synthesizers, sampler, looper) and Marcin Karnowski (Handpan, SPDS) react musically to an image or inspire a direction in visual searches.

Monika Kuczyniecka – a member of the Polish Filmmakers Association, graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań (dissertation in the first animation studio), and earlier at the Leon Wyczółkowski PLSP in Bydgoszcz. She is involved in clay modeling and other arts. She made video clips for Renata Przemyk, Bajzel, Czesław Mozil, Voo Voo, Dagadan, Na Górze. In addition, Monika Kuczyniecka has been running for several years her own stop motion workshops with the use of modeling clay for children, young people and adults based primarily on her own artistic experiences.

Radosław Drwęcki – musician and songwriter of the 3moonboys band. Graphic artist, an author of a record album and book covers, posters, video clips and concert visualizations. He graduated from the Kazimierz Wielki Academy in Bydgoszcz, majoring in Polish philology (specializing in teaching).

Marcin Karnowski – drummer, percussionist, songwriter, cultural animator, poet, prose writer. He recorded a dozen or so records (he plays in bands and projects: Variete, Brda, 3moonboys, George Dorn Screams, Ur Jorge, Salimara, Hanowska/Karnowski, Ala Kryształ), and gave more than a hundred concerts in Poland, Germany, Slovakia, Italy, Norway, Island, and Lithuania. He created and played live music for silent movies, short form animation (“Animocje” Festival), video effects (“Audiowizje” Festival), and theater plays (Capitol Theater in Wrocław, Stefan Jaracz Theater in Olsztyn, and Music Theater in Poznań). He carries out activities combining various fields of art focused on sound and word. He wrote articles to several periodicals, including “Fa-art,” “Ha!art,” and “Korespondencja z ojcem.” He was a co-founder and editor of the quarterly publication “Fabularie.” He published books, including “Notatki z podróży” (Bydgoszcz 2011), “Brudna forma” – jointly with Radek Drwęcki (Bydgoszcz 2013), Przerzutka (Bydgoszcz 2015), Ziarnko piasku. Rzecz o Annie Jachninie (Warsaw 2016), Zawsze jest na krótko (Bydgoszcz 2018).